
All info can be found on our Game Jam website. 



Game Jam schedule:

Jamming – on site

Address of jam site is: Na Hřebenech II 10,1718, 140 00 Praha 10-Nusle. We recommend to arrive to jam site by public transportation. You can find the routes from metro stations below. Please note that the Pankrác metro stop is currently unavailable, so you can get off at Budějovická and take bus 193 or 134. Alternatively, from the other side you can get off at Prazskeho povstani.


If you plan to arrive by car. There should be free parking over the weekend at Pujmanova street. 

Route from metro station “Prazskeho povstani”:

Route from metro station “Budějovická”:

Bus num. 134:

Bus num. 193:

When you get to the jam site (main entrance to the building is on photo below) you have to send a message to discord channel “#building-entrance” on our discord and mention “@guard_keepers”. The building is high security and this is the only option for us. Organisers “guard_keepers” will come down and open the door for you and help you get to our site.

Main entrance to the building:

Building Floor Plan:

Jamming – online

Everyone jamming online has to follow and check instructions on our discord server. Please check all the updates regularly or you might be disqualified caused by not keeping a schedule or not following rules. Also even if you are jamming online we highly recommend to be present for Opening and Closing ceremonies. Part of the closing ceremony is the presentation of your game. If you can not attend the presentation on site please inform us in advance so we can discuss the form of presentation.

Special thanks to