What is the entrance fee?
The entrance fee is 150 CZK per participant, which covers refreshments that we will provide for you.
Is there overnight accommodation available on-site?
No accommodation is provided, but you can sleep on the floor at the venue, for example, in a sleeping bag.
Will refreshments be available?
Yes, we will provide refreshments at the venue. Currently, we are considering hot beverages and basic food items. Please note that the provided refreshments may not replace full meals. You’ll be able to make tea, coffee, or heat your own food in a microwave. Plastic plates and cutlery will be available.
Will there be a changing room or lockable spaces available?
There will be one lockable room available for all participants, and the organizers will provide keys.
What is the expected attendance?
The event is limited to 30 participants for comfortable operation.
Is there internet access? Wi-fi or wired?
Wi-fi access will be available at the venue.
Who are you, and why are you organizing this?
We are video game enthusiasts who are interested in fostering the Czech game development community.
Where can I find food and drinks in the vicinity?
There are restaurants and grocery stores in the vicinity of the venue.
Who is Game Jam intended for?
It’s open to anyone who has a passion for creating their own video games.
Can I participate as an individual?
Absolutely. We anticipate that some teams may form on-site.
What makes up a proper game development team?
A team should include a game designer, graphic artist, programmer, and sound designer. One person can fulfill multiple roles, and one role can be represented by multiple individuals.
How large should a competitive team be for Game Jam?
Typically, a team should have 2 to 6 members.
What happens to my game after the competition?
Completed games will be showcased on the
globalgamejam.org website for download by interested parties.
Under what license are games developed for Game Jam? Can I choose a different license?
All games you submit to Game Jam must be created under the
Creative Commons license. However, you retain your copyright, so if you decide to further develop the game, you can release subsequent versions under a different license of your choice.
What is the prize for the winner?
The main prize is your game.

Can I develop a game on any topic, or is it predetermined?
The theme of the Global Game Jam will be announced centrally, and even the organizers will learn it shortly before the event begins.
Should I bring my own computer ? (PC or Notebook)
Participants are responsible for providing their own computers and other necessary hardware and software. Power and internet connections will be available on-site. The choice between a desktop and a laptop is up to you; laptops are more convenient for transport and have lower power consumption.
When and where is the event taking place?
On which platforms can I develop? Are there any recommended platforms?
No specific platform or operating system is mandated that your game must support.
What development tools can I use? Are there any recommended tools?
You can use the tools of your choice (provided you comply with the relevant licensing terms). For your inspiration, we have prepared a list of
freely distributable tools that you can use for your game development.
Can I participate in Game Jam with a game that’s already in progress?
No – since the Game Jam theme will be announced on-site, it’s not practically feasible. The development of a complete game, including all related elements (graphics, sounds), must occur within 48 hours.